WORKer’s Compensation

All of our treating physiotherapists are WorkCover accredited and can help you recover and rehabilitate from your work injury.

We have many years experience treating patients who have been injured at work and are familiar with the protocols and procedures of Workers Compensation injuries requriing physiotherapy in Western Australia. 

Our Physiotherapists welcome all patients referred following a work related injury.

You won’t have any gap-fee’s or out-of-pocket expenses for approved for workers compensation injury claims.

Please bring with you your workers compensation referral for physiotherapy, current WorkCover Medical Certificate and the relevant details of workers compensation insurer (claim number, case manager, contact details, etc).

If all of these details are provided correctly, we can invoice the insurer directly for you.

The WorkCover website provides you with all the relevant information on what to do if you have an injury so go to their site for more information: